Monday, April 12, 2010

Making Time

Many people ask me how do you have time to workout? They then follow it up with, "I can barely find time to get my teeth brushed in the morning let alone set aside an hour a session a few times a week plus drive time." My response is one that I live by and that is, "You must make the time". It's not about finding the time and trying to get in your fitness training when you can, but make it part or your daily or weekly routine. Yes it should be just as routine as going to work, going to bed, and oh yes paying those dreaded bills. Period. In order to make this work first you need to figure out are you a morning person, or an late night owl. That will help you make a better choice about your fitness training as a before or after work routine. Once you have your preferred time chosen then decide do you need a workout partner, are you motivated enough to do it on your own, or do you need direction from a trained professional. Whatever it is make the decision and stick to it for a month before deciding to make any changes. As we start new endeavours in our lives many times we don't give it enough time to really sink and and start working for us. So if you choose going alone, do it and do it for at least a month before you change up to either working out with a friend or colleague, or choosing a trainer. Now the trainer choice is a hard one to swallow because that has a cost associated to it every time you see them. However if you are looking to have direction and clarity in your fitness training, paying a professional to show you what you should be doing is well worth its cost. But I digress here. Getting back to why should you exercise on a regular basis and is it really worth the extensive time spent. Of course it is worth the time spent, its your health and longevity we are talking about. Asking that question is just like asking should I go to see my health care provider if I am getting a sinus infection...Yes you do because you want to get and stay healthy. Doing a regular fitness training regimen is part of a healthy lifestyle. It helps with keeping diabetes in check, it keeps the dreaded numbers on the weight scale down, and it keep our hearts and minds in top notch condition to be able to carry out the rest of our daily lives to the best that we can. So the next time someone asks you how can you possibly make time in your busy life for another routine in your schedule, remind them it their health that is in jeopardy if they don't.

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