Summer time, it's hot outside, which makes participating in outdoor cycling very difficult. In fact, the first point to understand is that heat and humidity will have a negative impact on your cycling performance. There is no getting around this, it is fact. You will not perform as well on a 90 degree day as you will on a 60 degree day because you expend a tremendous amount of energy dissipating heat and regulating your body temperature. How then do you continue to ride in the heat? Two things you can do and they are: heat acclimatization and hydration.
Before beginning strenuous exercise
in the heat, begin by exposing oneself to exercise heat stress gradually and on
consecutive days. Heat acclimatization is a process by which we become
physiologically more tolerant to high heat conditions. It allows you to ride
longer and faster in hot weather than you could before acclimating to the heat.
Heat acclimatization will also decrease your
risk of heat illnesses such as, heat syncope, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and
heat stroke. Here are some key facts and tips when it comes to the
acclimatization process:
1. Heat acclimatization happens
fairly quickly. Most of the gains occur in the first 4-9 days of training. Full
acclimatization occurs in about 14 days. Make sure to plan accordingly if you are
a competitor and start acclimatization about 2.5 weeks prior to your race.
2. Begin the acclimatization process
by riding during cooler parts of the day at a lower intensity and volume.
Gradually increase your volume and intensity. Once you have adapted to the
cooler temps begin riding at a lower intensity and volume during hotter parts
of the day.
3. Workouts performed in cooler
conditions can be higher in intensity and longer in duration so if possible try
to complete those higher intensity workouts cooler temperatures.
4. Pay close attention to how your
body responds to riding and racing in the heat. Different people can be
affected in different ways. Keep a log of your eating and drinking habits along
with your workout and the temps and humidity for that day.
Hydration has a significant impact on cycling performance and is especially important in hot weather. Dehydration of only two percent of your total body weight can impair your performance. Dehydration of five percent can reduce your work output by as much as 10 percent. When it comes to effective hydration, keep these points in mind:
1. Determine your hydration needs by estimating your sweat rate. How? Weigh yourself on a digital scale prior to a brisk, one-hour ride. Then weigh yourself again after the ride. If you have lost one pound you are down 16 ounces of fluid. Repeat this process frequently to get a good sense of your sweat rate in different temperatures.
2. Always bring two full bottles on every ride and drink 4-8 ounces of fluid every 15 minutes. For high temperature rides of more than an hour, consider using a hydration system, or plan water stops along your ride. Second, by freezing the water (or filling it with ice), the hydration pack or bottles can help lower your core temperature which will allow you to ride at higher intensity for longer.
3. Arrive to your workout or event well hydrated. The hydration process starts a few days before your ride or race. How do I know I am well hydrated? The color of your urine when well hydrated will be clear, if not keep drinking. Make sure to drink plenty of fluids the day before, the day of, and the day after your workout.
4. Decide what to drink and make sure it's cold. For workouts that will last an hour or less, water is sufficient. For rides that last over an hour, use a sports drink to replace carbohydrates and electrolytes. This is particularly important in high heat conditions. Try out different drinks to see what works best for you but never try something new the day of an event.
5. Drink before you get thirsty. The reason for this is simple. The dehydration process begins long before you feel thirsty. Get in the habit of drinking from your bottle every 15 minutes whether you feel thirsty or not, as this will minimize the chances of becoming dehydrated.